NJFashion Model Contest : the appraisal

Remember “Not Just Fashion dot Net”, the fashion and arts online magazine created by Greg Ross? In early 2012, we started to build a worldwide fashion contest to try to promote the website and get a larger audience. Not Just Fashion model contest is finally over… Now is a good time to evaluate the performance of such a campaign on the web trafic.

The first obvious constation : it has been a success. The numbers proove that the audience has been multiply by a 10 to 20 factor. That’s huge, considering that the blog worked on a “niche” already populated on the web. So why did it work?

From Talent·id, we focused on the virality of the project, motivating the audience to engage with their pairs, in order to get the most attention possible. From the start, picking the right target is essential : people with a large “aura” on the web will have no problem to drive trafic and interest to your platform. Then making every votes count, using both facebook and google+ for voting, and twitter for promotion. Finally, making few rounds but with many contestants to rich the most people.

On the way, we add some funcionalities, even did a photograph contest as well, allowing photographers to send their “video bumps” short clips to promote themselves, those clips being broadcast by our website if they were funny / good enough.

All those effort combined has lead to a great success and great experience. There is no doubt there is many other contest and action to do on the network, and that most of existing attempts are just starters. And you, why wouldn’t you try and benefit from this kinf of experience ?

Check the contest page on NJFashion.net

Happy to Help!