
Esto es una página de ejemplo. Es diferente a una entrada porque permanece fija en un lugar y se mostrará en la navegación de tu sitio (en la mayoría de los temas). La mayoría de la gente empieza con una página de Acerca de, que les presenta a los potenciales visitantes del sitio. Podría ser algo como esto:

¡Hola! Soy mensajero por el día, aspirante a actor por la noche, y este es mi blog. Vivo en Madrid, tengo un perrazo llamado Duque y me gustan las piñas coladas (y que me pille un chaparrón)

…o algo así:

La empresa XYZ se fundó en 1971 y ha estado ofreciendo “cosas” de calidad al público desde entonces. Situada en Madrid, XYZ emplea a más de 2.000 personas y hace todo tipo de cosas sorprendentes para la comunidad de Madrid.

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  • 2019 General Elections in Spain, Inspired by Netflix?

    After an intense electoral night for the 2019 General Elections in Spain, similarities in the designs of the political campaign of Pedro Sánchez with the well-known campaign of Barack Obama in the US has drawn our attention. Is any of Pedro Sánchez’s consultant really hooked to Netflix’s Abstract series? We look into it…

  • Audiovisual Production for Companies

    It is more and more commonly accepted that a well designed brand image is needed in order to shine in a more competitive environment for companies, especially since your customers are now able to compare brands and services so easily. Brand image can be your strongest ally in this war.

  • A banana-shaped Brand Ambassador brings attention to a whole country

    There are more and more articles online related to this campaign, and that’s for a very good reason … Everything began with a tourism marketing campaign worldwide based on… the banana. An initiative of the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador has taken advantage of its main exported ressource to send a message worldwide through QR […]

  • Think video !

    We already knew video was a great way to promote your business on the web. Now you won’t have to take our word for it, Google + YouTube think it is good for you too ! You may have seen the comercial on YouTube while you were waiting for you video to start. It states […]

  • Augmented Dance : When poetry meets high-technology

    I really wanted to take few minutes to share this video with you : Daito Manabe’s music video for Nosaj Thing’s song “Eclipse/Blue”. It revisits the work of german artist, compser and choregrapher Klaus Obermaier in a colorfull, spiritual and vivid way. Both visual artists confront themselves to the srceen ans use it not only […]

  • Fina Olivart Gallery grand opening

    We are very happy to announce the grand opening of Olivart Art Gallery in Barcelona. Fina Olivart, its owner, has been around for some time now in barcelona’s art scene, and has associate with some of the best artists of the area to offer a very refreshing and diverse selection of art pieces. Barcelona has […]

  • NJFashion Model Contest : the appraisal

    Remember “Not Just Fashion dot Net”, the fashion and arts online magazine created by Greg Ross? In early 2012, we started to build a worldwide fashion contest to try to promote the website and get a larger audience. Not Just Fashion model contest is finally over… Now is a good time to evaluate the performance […]

  • Entrepreneurship and creativity mixture: an original bet in the event sector

    Sometimes we have the impression that everything has been already invented and that is precisely when we get surprised with initiatives like Mybalcony, an online platform created to facilitate meetings between owners and visitors interested in the supply and demand of balconies rental for public events. Mybalcony is the bet of three youngsters from Malaga […]

  • WeArt festival is born in Barcelona

    The first independent art festival that aims to a better diffusion of its main artists. Within few months Barcelona will host WeArt, the independant art festival specialized in new art media, Street Art Graffiti, Video Art, Words, Photography, Illustration & Plastic Arts. For this first edition organisation chose sex as this year’s topic, and from […]

  • VIIIth Gaming and Interactive Entertainment International Fair: Gamelab Barcelona 0’12

    Few days left for the return Barcelona’s GameLab, the biggest gaming Convention in southern europe, which regroup all the specialists around the news & tendencies of the gaming industry, such as mobile phones and touchscreen gaming. This height´s edition will start on wednesday June the 27th at the Convention hall of Barcelona’s Plaza hotel, which […]

  • Ex-lover blocker app: when mobiles really go “social”

    We’d like to end this long week with a funny app that made us laughed quite a lot at Talent·id’s office: the Ex-Lover Blocker. Appart from the funny approach of the video comercial, we loved it because it serves a purpose, not that you’ll ever use it, but it fills a hole, and get technology […]

  • Marketing seeks the deepest impact

    This marketing campaign aims to impact the roots of Puerto Rico’s popular culture. No doubt it’s an appealing idea, but in an era when the banks reputation and their relationship with society couldn’t be more delicate, some may wonder: can a company use its money to “buy” the popular culture in an act of appropriationism? […]

  • Service Point job in Barcelona & Prat de Llobregat

    Few days ago we were contacted by the great people at Pollen who are in charge of Service Point new branding. Montpellier’s bureau wanted to try us to produce a great part of the new corporate image production. Team portrait, service illustration, office shots, but also technical plants was on our list. Two days of […]

  • Wallpeople Barcelona : Otra iniciativa posible gracias a las redes sociales

    El pasado sábado 9 de junio tuvo lugar en Barcelona WallPeople bajo el lema “Express yourself”. Una iniciativa de arte colaborativo a la que se sumaron simultáneamente 30 ciudades de todo el mundo tales como New York, Lisboa, Toronto, Berlin ó Buenos Aires, entre otras. En Barcelona el evento se dio cita de 18:00h a […]

  • Let Mike Monteiro & the Goodfellas help you with your company

    Mike Monteiro is one of those guys one needs to hear from time to time. The people who already follow him on twitter knows his style, straight to the point. On this particular presentation, the speaker and his lawyer (yes, his lawyer) review one of the mistakes everyone does, and how you could avoid them […]

  • Why should I always film with a 1/50th shutter speed?

    Today I thought I would share a simple but interesting point, especially for all the beginners in the video industry, who joined the club with the Canon Mark II. Some people still ask themselves “Why use an ND filter to get a darker image, while spending money in 1.2 or 1.4 expensive lens. More isn’t […]

  • Portable energy by PROFOTO : the “BatPac”

    Profoto launches its brand new mobile energy solution: the BatPac. The BatPac add all the great features we have been used to: quick refill, durability, etc. The Profoto System striked again, and redefined the way energy flows through the use of two conventional plugin devices, which is great to use Monoblocks D1 & ComPact, or […]

  • Crowdfunding for startups, a reality now in Spain

    This might me the very first time that we write about crowdfunding on Talent·id, but appealing the mass expecting financial support is very common these days. Despite the popularity reached by crowdfunding world wide, Spain is still defining it’s own model -not everything works the same in every country- and it’s know as a fact […]

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