Facebook Timeline : A revolution for both profiles & pages

As you probably already heard (or noticed on your personal account), Facebook is switching everyone’s profile and page to the ‘timeline’ design by march, the 27th.

Everyone had to adjust to its new standards by the end of the month. At Talent·id, we think it’s a great opportunity given by FaceBook to achieve a more visual and interactive interface to reach a large audience. Of course, the “like us” automatic page covering home will be gone, but every of our clients took great advantage of it. (Nearly 3,000 Timeline apps launched already !!)

The best part is about the apps. There have never been so many options and opportunities to make of your facebook business page a stand-alone and powerfull communication tool. Just check Coca-Cola‘s page, Nike‘s and Ford‘s… Both apps and large graphics deliver a powerfull and visual windows to your brand, values and message.

And they take great advantage of adaptive CSS3 design, with nice iFrame allowing embedding of non-HTML parts of your website. The new mark is 810 pixels…

So don’t get stuck with your old facebook page, and contact us right away to see how Talent·id could develop your brand new timeline !

Happy to Help!