Professional photography : an essential part of your communication strategy

Mar Ximenis
Audiovisual Producer

Contactar con Mar

For some years now, professional photo gear has spread to the general public, and it’s not unusual to spot tourists with one camera and one or two professional lenses bag hanging from their neck.

This has globally enhanced the general quality of the photographs available online, but also trained the public eye to a new photographical standard. Not only the equipment, but also the software involved in those new cameras made of every amateur a skilled photographer, able to take high speed or low light pictures with great results. In that environment, non-professional pictures for a catalogue or a website are not an option anymore, even for a short amount of time (temporary website, very first product catalogue). This trained-eyed public is harder to please every time.

Different photographs for different purposes

Apart from the global quality going up, nowadays photographer has to take part in a solid content strategy, adjusting his shots to the media they will be showcast in, in order to use the visual language a particular audience is expecting in a defined context. Helped by the head of communication strategy, he’ll design setups and ultimately retouching techniques and final formats dedicated to social media, paper catalogue, websites (both for desktop and mobile displays) in order to best serve the communication strategy at any step of its process.

Everything from lights to locations will be carefully chosen so the photograph piece fits the whole communication puzzle. That’s why the photographer has to be integrated and aware of the whole strategy underlying its work.

The usual main goals

Great photography is a decisive element of a brand’s reputation. From lifestyle pictures to products catalogue shots, the company name will be recognized and judged on the relevancy and overall quality of the pictures showcasing its services. Creativity takes a great part to get noticed, and in most case, good pictures are not enough. Position a brand within a market takes clear decision image wise, that’s why a professional will be essential to the success of a communication strategy.

Outstanding pictures shots will also directly drive attention to the brand’s communication supports, whereas print, web, social media or audiovisual communication. Get noticed in the crowd is what many brands have been struggling with for years, mostly because they were too close to their brand context and references to be able to think out of the box. Creativity gives strategy the space it needs to connect to wider audiences, using constantly evolving codes and concepts.

Tomemos un ejemplo...

“The Pharmaceutical Insdutry is dealing with a new challenge, one of the most critical in decades: provide 2nd generation antibiotics to fight antibiotic resistance. ABAC is a Barcelona based laboratory working to come up with new molecules able to achieve that goal!”

A new brand, ABAC Therapeutics needed a strong image, codes and visuals to raise money from investors around its new pharmaceutical project.

We produced a brand video shot in Barcelona presenting their core values, goals and team members. We also realised a photo stock from their offices and labs in order to provide to the rest of the communication team professional visuals and equipements and team members pictures to create high quality contents off and online.

A critical element of content production

With the right strategy, quality photographical content will greatly help sales and client loyalty. It will also build a strong visual identity to guarantee your brand to be recognized, developing a style that will be associated to your company’s values. More than inventing or applying recipes to your own particular case, we always try to translate your core identity into pictures that not only you will find relevant to your brand, but your public and customers.

So don’t wait any longer and contact us to review the solutions our photographers have to offer!

Case Study

“Build a strong visual brand is quite important for a small company, especially in a competitive context.”

Stickaze, a startup based in France selling phone adhesive cases reached to us to produce their very fisrt brand video, a real challenge to deliver values, product quality and comitment in a short clip.

We had to design the perfect video piece, short, with rythm, but also didactical and engaging for tech enthusiasts, but also being able to raise interest from business angels. The result is a short clip, fresh, natural, made in Barcelona.


Talent·id has to offer...

Unique solutions

and taylor made strategies so your company get get the lead back on the communication level, thanks to cutting edge methods and tools, in sync with your goals.

Fair pricing

So your communication budget is in phase with your needs and adapts to your business' growth at anytime.


Every member of our team is not only a speialist in its field, but makes sure he or she stays up-to-date regarding the most recent technics and methodologies.

Worldwide services

Our activity allows us to work with any companies, anywhere around the globe. Our team is fluent in more than four languages, and we work with collaborators around whole Europe.

Still not convinced? Here are some of our most recent works

Happy to Help!